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Synthesis and luminescence studies of Mn doped CaF2
, A.K. Singh, S. Sen, S.C. Gadkari
Published in
Volume: 1313
Pages: 340 - 342
Nano particles of CaF2:Mn were synthesized by a co-precipitation method. The maximum Mn concentration which could be doped into the CaF 2 lattice was ∼3%. The photoluminescence and thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) were studied for different Mn doping. High dopant concentration leads to the appearance of yellow orange luminescence (580 nm) band due to the introduction of excitation levels in the deep UV region. A slight decrease in TSL peak temperature was observed at higher Mn concentrations after attaining a maximum at 1.3% Mn. Based on TSL data optimum doping concentration was found to be 2.5%. These nanoparticles were further hot pressed in vacuum to produce optically transparent ceramic. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
About the journal
JournalAIP Conference Proceedings