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Study on the particle interaction in a hydrocyclone classifier with multi-component feed blend at a high solids content
M. Padhi, A.N. Mainza, ,
Published in Elsevier B.V.
Volume: 393
Pages: 380 - 396
In mineral processing circuits, the feed to hydrocyclone consists of different density particle system at varying degrees of liberation and sizes, leading to a multi-component system. These different density components' interaction affects the separation in the hydrocyclones, particularly at high feed solids concentrations. In this work, an attempt is made to account for bi-component particle interaction in a hydrocyclone at different feed solids concentrations (10–50 wt%). For classification experiments, pure silica and pure magnetite components were utilized as a ratio of 1:1 in the feed mixture. Customized orthogonal array experiments were carried out using three-spigot and pressure level for 3″ and 4″ hydrocyclones. Components' grade efficiency curves and the performance parameters (d50; Rf; Rs;α;β) were estimated and analysed using the Whiten Equation. The cut-size and beta parameter of the mixture and individual components witnessed to increase with increasing feed solids concentration. Suspension rheology and hindered settling rate studies were carried out to understand the influence of the fine and coarse particle interaction on the performance of the hydrocyclone processing bi-component mixture at different feed solids concentrations. The enhanced viscous flow at the conical region attributes the crowding effect and the dense medium effect near apex zone, and consequential coarse and fines inflections are observed. The lighter particle displacement in the presence of heavier component is further supported by the locus of maximum volume fraction and equilibrium position from the numerical analysis. © 2021 Elsevier B.V.
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