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Scintillation yield uniformity studies on single crystals of Tl doped CsI
D.G. Desai, , A.K. Singh, S. Sen, S. Shinde, S.C. Gadkari
Published in
Volume: 1512
Pages: 864 - 865
Single crystals of 0.1% Tl doped CsI (50 mm and 50mm L) have been grown using the Bridgman melt growth technique. Scintillation yield uniformity of radiation detector made from the as-grown crystals was checked using an 243Am α (5.25 and 5.5 MeV) source. It was found that yield variation along the radial direction was within 2% over 0-15 mm and was less than 5% for the whole crystal. A correlation between radial temperature profile of furnace and yield uniformity was observed. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.
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JournalAIP Conference Proceedings