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PV-aware Replacement Policy for Two-level Shared Cache
B. Agarwalla, N. Sahu,
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Pages: 459 - 464
The performance of modern multicore processes largely depends on the performance of their shared Last Level Cache (LLC). A larger LLC can reduce misses while increasing access latency. Tile-based chipmultiprocessors (TCMP) are also proposed with two levels of shared caches to handle such situations. Among the two levels of shared caches, the bottom level is designed with DRAM technology for better capacity, and the upper level is designed with SRAM technology for better latency. Because it is in the last level, the LLC is the DRAM-based shared cache. Both the shared caches are normally divided into multiple banks. The core in such TCMPs can have its own private cache above these two levels of shared caches. Process variation has been observed to have a much greater impact on DRAM-based memory chips than on SRAM-based memories. Hence, the banks of the DRAM-based LLC may not behave uniformly. Some of the banks may experience high energy costs and access latency because of PV. In this work, we have proposed a replacement policy for the SRAM-based shared cache (upper-level shared cache), which reduces the requirements to access the PV-affected LLC banks significantly. This is achieved by relaxing the blocks of the affected LLC banks to remain in the upper-level shared cache (SRAM-based) for a longer time. The experimental analysis found that the proposed replacement policy improves performance by 13%, 10%, and 6% as compared to three existing replacement policies. © 2022 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalProceedings - 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems, iSES 2022
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.