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Optimized ultra-thin manganin alloy passivated fine-pitch damascene compatible bump-less Cu-Cu bonding at sub 200 °c for three-dimensional Integration applications
A.K. Panigrahi, C.H. Kumar, S. Bonam, T. Ghosh, ,
Published in Japan Society of Applied Physics
Volume: 57
Issue: 2
Enhanced Cu diffusion, Cu surface passivation, and smooth surface at the bonding interface are the key essentials for high quality Cu-Cu bonding. Previously, we have demonstrated optimized 3 nm thin Manganin metal-alloy passivation from oxidation and also helps to reduce the surface roughness to about 0.8 nm which substantially led to high quality Cu-Cu bonding. In this paper, we demonstrated an ultra fine-pitch (<25 μm) Cu-Cu bonding using an optimized Manganin metal-alloy passivation. This engineered surface passivation approach led to high quality bonding at sub 200 °C temperature and 0.4 MPa. Very low specific contact resistance of 1.4 ×; 10-7 Ω cm2 and the defect free bonded interface is clear indication of high quality bonding for future multilayer integrations. Furthermore, electrical characterization of the bonded structure was performed under various robust conditions as per International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS Roadmap) in order to satisfy the stability of the bonded structure. © 2018 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
About the journal
JournalJapanese Journal of Applied Physics
PublisherJapan Society of Applied Physics