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Noise performance improvement through optimized stacked layer of liner structure around the TSV in 3D IC
C. Hemanth Kumar, A. Kumar Panigrahi, O. Krishan Singh,
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
In this paper, we proposed a novel stacked layer of liner structure around the TSV's and verified its performance on noise coupling between them. The performance of proposed structure with different materials and thickness were optimized and verified with respect to the noise coupling reduction. The obtained results show almost equal noise reduction performance of around 40% with the Teflon-Cu-Teflon and BCB-Cu-BCB as liner material structure. Due to TSV fabrication issues industries are preferring Via-middle process and also Teflon have low melting point. Hence we have chosen with optimized BCB thicknesses of 30 nm as dielectric and Cu with 90 nm as metal. And also we observed that by decreasing the dielectric materials thicknesses compared with the metal we get more improved noise coupling between the TSV's in 3D IC. From the obtained results we inherent that the above structure will improve the noise coupling performance in 3D IC. © 2016 IEEE.