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Development of a biomechanical model for a robotic manipulator
G.B. Madhab,
Published in Danube Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing, DAAAM
Pages: 229 - 230
When compared with the human arm, the low performances of robotic manipulators motivated the development of new mechanical structures. Joint-driven manipulators, with standard actuators, are not well adapted to the transients imposed by the robotic applications. The kinematic analysis of these systems highlights its main properties and constitutes a step towards the design of new mechanical biological-like robotic structures adopting linear actuators replacing the standard rotational joint-driving motor systems. PID tracking control of the arm was studied by implementing the biomechanical model of the forearm and hand. This model emphasizes the role of the visco-elastic properties of the musculo-skeletal system of the actual limb in controlling its net configuration and movement.
About the journal
JournalAnnals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium
PublisherDanube Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing, DAAAM