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Computational approach for designing tumor homing peptides
A. Sharma, P. Kapoor, A. Gautam, K. Chaudhary, , J.S. Chauhan, A. Tyagi, G.P.S. Raghava
Published in Nature Publishing Group
PMID: 23558316
Volume: 3
Tumor homing peptides are small peptides that home specifically to tumor and tumor associated microenvironment i.e. tumor vasculature, after systemic delivery. Keeping in mind the huge therapeutic importance of these peptides, we have made an attempt to analyze and predict tumor homing peptides. It was observed that certain types of residues are preferred in tumor homing peptides. Therefore, we developed support vector machine based models for predicting tumor homing peptides using amino acid composition and binary profiles of peptides. Amino acid composition, dipeptide composition and binary profile-based models achieved a maximum accuracy of 86.56%, 82.03%, and 84.19% respectively. These methods have been implemented in a user-friendly web server, TumorHPD. We anticipate that this method will be helpful to design novel tumor homing peptides. TumorHPD web server is freely accessible at http://crdd.osdd.net/raghava/tumorhpd/.
About the journal
JournalScientific Reports
PublisherNature Publishing Group