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Bulk Higgs and gauge fields in a multiply warped braneworld model
A. Das, , S. Sengupta
Published in
Volume: 83
Issue: 11
We readdress the problems associated with bulk Higgs and the gauge fields in a five-dimensional Randall-Sundrum model by extending the model to six dimensions with double warping along the two extra spatial dimensions. In this six-dimensional model, we have a freedom of two moduli scales as against one modulus in the five-dimensional model. With a little hierarchy between these moduli, we can obtain the right magnitude for W and Z boson masses from the Kaluza-Klein modes of massive bulk gauge fields where the spontaneous symmetry breaking is triggered by bulk Higgs. We also have determined the gauge couplings of the standard model fermions with Kaluza-Klein modes of the gauge fields. Unlike the case of the five-dimensional model with a massless bulk gauge field, here, we have shown that the gauge couplings and the masses of the Kaluza-Klein gauge fields satisfy the precision electroweak constraints and also obey the Tevatron bounds. © 2011 American Physical Society.
About the journal
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology