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Biped Robot Vertical Jumping with Control Constraints
A. Sripada, J. Vistapalli,
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Pages: 1683 - 1687
This paper proposes a multibody dynamics approach to achieve vertical jumping motion in biped robots. Joint trajectories were generated using control constraints that depend on the vertical distance traveled by the Center of Mass (CoM) of the biped. For the stance phase, constraints are introduced on the vertical motion of CoM and on the Zero Moment Point (ZMP). ZMP was considered to be at the ankle and the ankle torque was made zero, so that foot angular momentum could be ignored. Constraints in the flight phase are considered such that the CoM moves in a vertical direction. Dynamic analysis of the biped was performed for stance and flight phases and joint angles and velocities were computed. Thus acquired angles and velocities were supplied to a 3DOFsingie leg robot, which jumped vertically to a height of 4cm. © 2018 IEEE.