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Analysis of low temperature E-beam evaporatec amorphous silicon thin films for MEMS applications
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
This paper presents the analysis of low temperature e-beam evaporated amorphous silicon thin films for MEMS applications. All the depositions were performed at a constant vacuum of 9E-7 Torr. We have investigated the properties of thin films deposited at 4 A°/sec and 8 A°/sec at temperatures below the onset of crystallization. Raman spectroscopy was used to confirm the amorphous nature of the deposited silicon films. The morphology of the deposited thin films was characterized using Atomic Force Microscopy and the RMS roughness of all the samples was found to be less than 1 nm. Stress measurements on thin film were carried out using k-space. Wet etching of the deposited thin films was demonstrated using dilute HNA solution. The etchant ratio is optimized so that positive photoresist can be used as the masking layer, while achieving reasonable etch rate. © 2016 IEEE.