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Wide input range differential RF energy harvesting system for battery-less RFID applications
D. Pathak, S.H. Vardhan, M. Mehnde,
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
A Battery free ultra high frequency 0.9 GHz Radio Frequency ID applications, an extended RF energy collecting framework have planned and introduced. The proposed system incorporates a pi-matching organize off-chip UHF differential radio wire taken after by a CMOS cross-coupled RF-DC transformation rectifier that replaces a battery in various RFID applications. For a UHF band (900 MHz), the designed matching technique shows in differential to RF-DC converter gives a high efficiency of 64percentat -14 dBm. Utilizing CMOS UMC 0.18mum innovation, the proposed design accomplishes way efficient system for input control for -20 dBm to -4 dBm. © 2021 IEEE