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Video shot segmentation using late fusion technique
, N. Dhananjaya, B. Yegnanarayana
Published in
Pages: 267 - 270
In this paper, a new method for detecting shot boundaries in video sequences using a late fusion technique is proposed. The method uses color histogram as the feature, and processes each bin separately for detecting shot boundaries. The decisions from individual bins are combined later for hypothesizing the presence of shot boundaries. The method provides a certain degree of robustness against illumination and camera/object motion, as it ignores small changes in the bins. While the early fusion techniques rely on the extent of change in color information, the proposed technique relies on the number of significant changes. Experimental results successfully validate the new method and show that it can effectively detect both abrupt and gradual transitions. © 2008 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalProceedings - 7th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2008