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Variable Grid Resolution based Evolutionary Multi-objective optimization towards Micro-siting
P. Mittal,
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Pages: 2787 - 2793
The rapid diminishing of fossil fuels and their adverse climatic impacts have forced researchers to search for renewable sources of energy to meet the ever growing energy demand. Wind energy, the rapidly growing energy source, is generally harvested using wind turbines in a wind farm. However, the determination of optimal number and locations of wind turbines in such layouts is challenging task due to power loss or velocity deficits caused by the wake interactions among these energy generators. Binary and continuous variables being both present, this problem classifies itself into an MINLP, which are hard to solve. This problem is commonly solved by discretizing the given wind farm area into uniform grids, where efficacy of the solution depends on finer resolution of grids. However, with increasing resolution of grids, the problem becomes computationally intractable. In this study, a novel space decomposition with variable resolution (sDVR) approach has been proposed to solve the problem more efficiently thereby providing a better balance between solution quality and execution time. The proposed approach shows promises when validated against benchmark and realistic case studies. Moreover, solving the problem in multi-objective fashion helps the decision maker to have several alternative Pareto optimal solutions compared to single solution provided by the existing reported formulations. © 2019 IEEE.