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Type-II seesaws at colliders, lepton asymmetry and singlet scalar dark matter
J. McDonald, , U. Sarkar
Published in
Volume: 2008
Issue: 4
We propose an extension of the standard model with a B-L global symmetry that is broken softly at the TeV scale. The neutrinos acquire masses through a type-II seesaw while the lepton (L) asymmetry arises in the singlet sector but without B-L-number violation. The model has the virtue that the scale of L-number violation (Λ) giving rise to neutrino masses is independent of the scale of leptogenesis (Λ′). As a result the model can explain neutrino masses, singlet scalar dark matter and leptogenesis at the TeV scale. The stability of the dark matter is ensured by a surviving Z2 symmetry, which could be lifted at the Planck scale, thereby allowing Planck scale suppressed decay of singlet scalar dark matter particles of mass ≈3 MeV to e +e- pairs in the Galactic halo. The model also predicts a few hundred GeV doubly charged scalar and a long-lived charged fermion, whose decay can be studied at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and International Linear Collider (ILC). © IOP Publishing Ltd.
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JournalJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics