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Ttlg-an efficient tensor transposition library for GPUs
, A. Suresh, A.S. Rajam, J. Kim, C. Hong, A. Panyala, S. Krishnamoorthy, V.K. Nandivada, R.K. Srivastava, P. Sadayappan
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Pages: 578 - 588
This paper presents a Tensor Transposition Library for GPUs (TTLG). A distinguishing feature of TTLG is that it also includes a performance prediction model, which can be used by higher level optimizers that use tensor transposition. For example, tensor contractions are often implemented by using the TTGT (Transpose-Transpose-GEMM-Transpose) approach-transpose input tensors to a suitable layout and then use high-performance matrix multiplication followed by transposition of the result. The performance model is also used internally by TTLG for choosing among alternative kernels and/or slicing/blocking parameters for the transposition. TTLG is compared with current state-of-The-Art alternatives for GPUs. Comparable or better transposition times for the 'repeated-use' scenario and considerably better 'single-use' performance are observed. © 2018 IEEE.