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Treatment of waste waters from small paper mill without soda recovery: A case study
, V. Kothandaraman, K.M. Aboo
Published in
Volume: 19
Issue: 4
Pages: 346 - 359
In-plant survey was made in one of the typical small paper mills in South India, producing about 20 tonnes of writing and printing papers using begasse, waste cotton, rags, etc. , as raw materials. This survey showed that about 330 cu m of waste water is let out per tonne of paper produced and the BOD from digester section alone was 3040-5470 kg/day. The composite waste as let out into the nearby river showed a BOD of 680-1250 mg/l and suspended solids of 900-1250 mg/l while pH varied from varied from 8. 2 to 8. 5. The BOD load from the composite waste worked out to 236-400 kg/tonne of paper made. These studies have also shown that wastes from digestion and cotton washings could be segregated from the rest of the wastes which are weaker and treated separately. Based on these studies three alternate flow sheets were prepared. In-plant survery was made in one of the typical small paper mills in South India, producing about 20 tonnes of writing and printing papers using begasse, waste cotton, rags etc. as raw materials. This survey showed that about 330 cu m of wate water is let out per tonne of paper produced and the BOD from digester section alone was 3040-5470 kg/day. The composite waste as let out into the nearby river showed a BOD of 680-1250 mg/l and suspended solids of 900-1250 mg/l while pH varied from 8.2 to 8.5. The BOD load from the composite worked out to 236-400 kg/tonne of paper made. These studies have also shown that wastes from digestion and cotton washings could be segregated from the rest of the wastes which are weaker and treated separately. Based on these studies three alternate flow sheets were prepared.
About the journal
JournalIndian Journal of Environmental Health