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The effect of particle sizes and solids concentration on the rheology of silica sand based suspensions
Mangesana N., Chikuku R.S., Mainza A.N., Govender I., Van Der Westhuizen A.P.,
Published in
Volume: 108
Issue: 4
Pages: 237 - 243
The effect of high solids concentration and coarse particle sizes (d 50 ranges 90-300 um) on the viscosity of a suspension of water and silica sand was investigated. The experiments were designed to include conditions that have been tested by other authors and those encountered in the operation of tumbling mills. The rheological data was measured using a tube rheometer with operating pseudo shear rates of up to 1500 s-1. The rheograms obtained depicted dilatant behaviour. The Otswald-de Waele, Bingham, Herschel-Buckley and Casson models were fitted to the experimental data. The Herschel-Buckely model, which approximates the yield point and gives an indication of the shear thinning or shear thickening behaviour of the suspension, was found to provide the best description of the flow curves for all slurries. The Herschel-Buckely model was then used to determine the apparent viscosity of all the tests. The apparent viscosity and yield stress increased with solids concentration and particle size at the different pseudo shear rates. The increase in slurry viscosity with solids concentration was attributed to increased frequency of particle-particle interactions. The increase in slurry viscosity with particle size was attributed to increased inertial effects. At low shear rates the sand slurry exhibited shear thinning behaviour for all solids concentrations. At higher shear rates above 1000 s-1 the high solids concentration suspensions exhibited a transition from shear thinning to a shear thickening behaviour. © The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2008.
About the journal
JournalJournal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Open AccessNo