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The effect of harvesting approaches on fruit yield, embelin concentration and regrowth dynamics of the forest shrub, Embelia tsjeriam-cottam, in central India
, C.M. Shackleton
Published in
Volume: 266
Pages: 180 - 186
Embelia tsjeriam-cottam Roem & Schult A. DC. (Myrsinaceae), popularly known as Vaividang, is a vulnerable forest species because of the high demand of fruits for medicinal purposes. It is in great demand in ayurveda and the pharmaceutical industry (>100. t/yr), which has imposed tremendous pressure on some natural populations. The fruits contain embelin (a benzoquinone derivative), which has wide clinical applications. Considering the importance, growing use and decreasing populations in some areas of its natural habitat, a study on development of sustainable harvesting practices of E. tsjeriam-cottam fruits was conducted in Chhattisgarh, in central India. Experiments were laid out in Dhamtari, Marvahi and Bilaspur forest divisions of the state covering both protected and open forests in a randomized design with three replications. At each site, quadrats of 40 × 20 m were laid out to study the effect of two fruit harvesting methods and four harvesting intensities on fruit yield, and regeneration of the species. Fruits were analyzed for their embelin content by HPLC method. This study is the first to experimentally assess the consequences of harvesting of E. tsjeriam-cottam fruits from India. It was found that up to 70% fruits could be hand plucked at the right time of maturity (December) to obtain quality produce without impacting the current population size. Since every year is not a good fruiting year, it is difficult to develop universal harvest regime for sustainable management of E. tsjeriam-cottam. The embelin content increased as fruits ripened, ranging from 1.01% to 5.63%. The adoption of sustainable harvesting practices will be helpful in sustainable management of E. tsjeriam-cottam and also provide income and livelihood opportunities to rural people on a sustainable basis. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
About the journal
JournalForest Ecology and Management