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The complexity of unary subset sum
N. Limaye, M. Mahajan,
Published in
Volume: 7434 LNCS
Pages: 458 - 469
Given a stream of n numbers and a number B, the subset sum problem deals with checking whether there exists a subset of the stream that adds to exactly B. The unary subset sum problem, USS, is the same problem when the input is encoded in unary. We prove that any p-pass randomized algorithm computing USS with error at most 1/3 must use space Ω(B/p). For p ≤ B, we give a randomized p-pass algorithm that computes USS with error at most 1/3 using space Õ(nB/p). We give a deterministic one-pass algorithm which given an input stream and two parameters B, ∈, decides whether there exist a subset of the input stream that adds to a value in the range [(1 - ∈)B, (1 + ∈)B] using space O(log B/∈). We observe that USS is monotone (under a suitable encoding) and give a monotone NC 2 circuit for USS. We also show that any circuit using ε-approximator gates for USS under this encoding needs Ω(n/logn) gates to compute the Disjointness function. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
About the journal
JournalLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)