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Temperature effects for isothermal polymer crystallization kinetics
J. Yang, B.J. McCoy,
Published in
Volume: 122
Issue: 24
We adopt the cluster size distribution model to investigate the effect of temperature on homogeneous nucleation and crystal growth for isothermal polymer crystallization. The model includes the temperature effects of interfacial energy, nucleation rate, growth and dissociation rate coefficients, and equilibrium solubility. The time dependencies of polymer concentration, number and size of crystals, and crystallinity (in Avrami plots) are presented for different temperatures. The denucleation (Ostwald ripening effect) is also investigated by comparing moment and numerical solutions of the population balance equations. Agreement between the model results and temperature-sensitive experimental measurements for different polymer systems required strong temperature dependence for the crystal-melt interfacial energy. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.
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JournalJournal of Chemical Physics