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System-level Performance of Mos2Synaptic Transistors in MLP and DNN Architectures
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Synaptic devices promise drastically lower power consumption in artificial neural networks vis-à-vis CMOS memories. In this work, we have demonstrated MoS2 synaptic transistors in n-FET, p-FET, and inverter configurations. Accounting for device non-idealities, we have simulated the system-level performance for MLP and VGG-8 DNN architectures. DNNs are robust to non-idealities with ∼ 15% higher accuracy but at the cost of increased complexity as compared to MLPs. This work explores the complexity-accuracy trade-offs in ANNs for offsetting non-ideal device behavior. © 2023 IEEE.
About the journal
Journal7th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference: Strengthen the Global Semiconductor Research Collaboration After the Covid-19 Pandemic, EDTM 2023
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.