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Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of chlorophosptiate phosphor for white light-emitting diodes
H.S. Yoo, , S.W. Kim, J.Y. Han, D.Y. Jeon
Published in
Volume: 2
Pages: 853 - 855
Ba5(PO4)3CI:Yb2+ phosphor was prepared by a conventional solid state reaction method for white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) application. Broad excitation and emission bands were observed due to 4f - 5d transitions of Yb2+ ion. The main emission wavelength of the phosphor was around 630 nm. The optimized Yb2+ ion concentration was 0.2 mol%, and above 0.2 mol% the concentration quenching was observed. It is understood that non-radiative transitions between Yb2+ ions were responsible for the electric dipole-dipole interaction between Yb2+ ions.
About the journal
JournalIDW '08 - Proceedings of the 15th International Display Workshops