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Superconductor terahertz photonics
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Superconductors are a fascinating family of materials, typically characterized by vanishing electrical resistance and perfect diamagnetism below a certain critical temperature (Tc). The unique and dramatic properties of the superconductors are attributed to the presence of Cooper pairs. Ultrafast response observed in the Cooper pair dynamics upon photoexcitation of the high- Tc cuprate superconductors is widely explored to understand the underlying physics and the mechanism which leads to Cooper pair formation. The ultrafast switching between macroscopic quantum superconducting phase and the resistive phase of photo-excited cuprate superconductors can be exploited for high performance quantum-photonic devices. In this work, we demonstrate all-optical dual-channel switching of sharp Fano resonances excited in superconducting asymmetric split ring resonators. Upon irradiation with optical pump, the ultrasensitive Cooper pairs in superconductor undergo dual dissociation-relaxation dynamics within a single superconductivity restoration cycle and lead to dual switching windows in picoseconds timescale. The extreme sensitivity of Cooper pairs to external perturbations enables access to such unique dual switching features, which can be readily engineered by varying the substrate properties. © 2019 URSI. All rights reserved.
About the journal
Journal2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, AP-RASC 2019
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.