A project to construct a compact pre-bunched Free Electron Laser by using a normal conducting photocathode electron gun has been undertaken at Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi, India. In this facility, the short laser pulses from a high power laser system will be split into many pulses (2–16) commonly known as ‘Comb beam’ and will strike the photocathode material (metal and semiconductor) to produce electron beam bunches. The electrons will be accelerated up to an energy of ∼8 MeV by a copper cavity operated at a frequency of 2860 MHz and the beam will be injected into a compact, planar permanent undulator magnet to produce THz radiation. The radiation frequency designed to be tuned in the range of 0.15–3 THz by varying the magnetic field of the undulator and/or changing the energy of the electron. The separation of the laser micro-pulses will be varied by adjusting the path length difference to alter the separation of the electron micro-bunches and to maximise the radiation intensity. © 2017 Elsevier B.V.