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Statistical Model Checking for Dynamical Processes on Networks: A Healthcare Application
Y. Ramesh, N. Anand,
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Pages: 720 - 725
In the event of an epidemic outbreak, it is crucial to deploy limited healthcare resources cleverly across a distributed geography. In this paper we consider the limited resource to be a healthcare unit that can move across cities and sample a bounded number of people per day in a city and 'cure' or render 'uninfectious' the infected people in the sample. We study various sojourn and movement strategies of these units. We demonstrate the effectiveness of a tool that assists health-care authorities in performing a what-if analysis and planning a response to an epidemic outbreak. Further, we illustrate that in this setting, statistical model checking can be very useful for answering complex queries at different levels of granularity. © 2019 IEEE.