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Sr2 CrOs O6: End point of a spin-polarized metal-insulator transition by 5d band filling
Y. Krockenberger, K. Mogare, M. Reehuis, M. Tovar, M. Jansen, G. Vaitheeswaran, , F. Bultmark, A. Delin, F. WilhelmShow More
Published in
Volume: 75
Issue: 2
In the search for new spintronic materials with high spin polarization at room temperature, we have synthesized an osmium-based double perovskite with a Curie temperature of 725 K. Our combined experimental results confirm the existence of a sizable induced magnetic moment at the Os site, supported by band-structure calculations, in agreement with a proposed kinetic-energy-driven mechanism of ferrimagnetism in these compounds. The intriguing property of Sr2 CrOs O6 is that it is at the end point of a metal-insulator transition due to 5d band filling and at the same time ferrimagnetism and high-spin polarization are preserved. © 2007 The American Physical Society.
About the journal
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics