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Single-Molecule Analysis Reveals Linked Cycles of RSC Chromatin Remodeling and Ace1p Transcription Factor Binding in Yeast
, D.A. Ball, P.R. Eriksson, R.V. Chereji, D.J. Clark, J.G. McNally, T.S. Karpova
Published in Cell Press
PMID: 30318444
Volume: 72
Issue: 5
Pages: 875 - 887.e9
In this study, Mehta et al. show that rapid cycles of the yeast transcription factor Ace1p at CUP1 promoter serve as a pace-maker for the transcription bursts. The chromatin remodeler RSC fine-tunes this cycle by short repetitive cycles of nucleosome mobilization. © 2018 It is unknown how the dynamic binding of transcription factors (TFs) is molecularly linked to chromatin remodeling and transcription. Using single-molecule tracking (SMT), we show that the chromatin remodeler RSC speeds up the search process of the TF Ace1p for its response elements (REs) at the CUP1 promoter. We quantified smFISH mRNA data using a gene bursting model and demonstrated that RSC regulates transcription bursts of CUP1 only by modulating TF occupancy but does not affect initiation and elongation rates. We show by SMT that RSC binds to activated promoters transiently, and based on MNase-seq data, that RSC does not affect the nucleosomal occupancy at CUP1. Therefore, transient binding of Ace1p and rapid bursts of transcription at CUP1 may be dependent on short repetitive cycles of nucleosome mobilization. This type of regulation reduces the transcriptional noise and ensures a homogeneous response of the cell population to heavy metal stress. © 2018
About the journal
JournalMolecular Cell
PublisherCell Press