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Single-cell analysis of germinal-center B cells informs on lymphoma cell of origin and outcome
A.B. Holmes, C. Corinaldesi, Q. Shen, , N. Compagno, Z. Wang, M. Nitzan, E. Grunstein, L. Pasqualucci, R. Dalla-FaveraShow More
Published in Rockefeller University Press
PMID: 32603407
Volume: 217
Issue: 10
In response to T cell-dependent antigens, mature B cells are stimulated to form germinal centers (GCs), the sites of B cell affinity maturation and the cell of origin (COO) of most B cell lymphomas. To explore the dynamics of GC B cell development beyond the known dark zone and light zone compartments, we performed single-cell (sc) transcriptomic analysis on human GC B cells and identified multiple functionally linked subpopulations, including the distinct precursors of memory B cells and plasma cells. The gene expression signatures associated with these GC subpopulations were effective in providing a sc-COO for ∼80% of diffuse large B cell lymphomas (DLBCLs) and identified novel prognostic subgroups of DLBCL. © 2020 Rockefeller University Press. All rights reserved.
About the journal
JournalJournal of Experimental Medicine
PublisherRockefeller University Press