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Silver-guided excimer emission in an adenine-pyrene conjugate: fluorescence lifetime and crystal studies
M.D. Pandey, , V. Chandrasekhar, S. Verma
Published in
PMID: 20112956
Volume: 49
Issue: 5
Pages: 2020 - 2022
This Communication describes a novel adenine-pyrene conjugate (1) and its solid-state structure with silver and copper ions. Singlecrystal studies of metal complexes of 1 offer insight into molecular interactions and provide a basis to rationalize possible interactions in the solution state, leading to excimer formation. The robust nature of this interaction was further confirmed by deposition of the silver complex on a graphite surface, which exhibited a remarkable resemblance to its solid-state structure. The structural basis of selective excimer formation in the presence of Ag+ ions presents a viable approach for ratiometric detection of these ions. © 2010 American Chemical Society.
About the journal
JournalInorganic Chemistry