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Signal of right-handed charged gauge bosons at the LHC?
F.F. Deppisch, T.E. Gonzalo, S. Patra, , U. Sarkar
Published in American Physical Society
Volume: 90
Issue: 5
We point out that the recent excess observed in searches for a right-handed gauge boson WR at CMS can be explained in a left-right symmetric model with D-parity violation. In a class of SO(10) models, in which D parity is broken at a high scale, the left-right gauge symmetry breaking scale is naturally small, and at a few TeV the gauge coupling constants satisfy gR≈0.6gL. Such models therefore predict a right-handed charged gauge boson WR in the TeV range with a suppressed gauge coupling as compared to the usually assumed manifest left-right symmetry case gR=gL. The recent CMS data show excess events which are consistent with the cross section predicted in the D-parity breaking model for 1.9TeV
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
PublisherData powered by TypesetAmerican Physical Society