Feedstock availability and its pretreatment, high process economics and insufficient ethanol (HEt) titres necessitated the bioprocesses that are sustainable. The advanced consolidated bioprocessing (CBPSeq) strategy presently considered for improved HEt production involves, sequential coupling of CBP thermophile, Clostridium thermocellum ATCC-27405 with mesophilic microaerobe, Pichia stipitis NCIM-3498. Biogenic municipal solid waste (BMSW) pretreated with 0.5% NaOH (CSPBMSW) served as the sole carbon source. CBPSeq (23.99 g/L) fared better than CBP standalone (18.10 g/L) wherein 1.32-folds improvement in HEt titre was recorded. Considering insufficient xylanase titre in cellulosome complex of C. thermocellum, CBPSeq was performed employing exogenous xylanases (CBPSeqE) to improve xylan digestibility and HEt yield. CBPSeqE-II biosystem at pH 5 showed maximum HEt titre of 36.90 g/L which corresponds to yield of 0.26 g HEt/ g CSPBMSW. This study substantiates efficacy of CBPSeqE-II biosystem in sustainable bioethanol production from BMSW in a single reactor without laborious steps. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd