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Scheduling using Superposition Coding: Design and software radio implementation
P. Vizi, , S. Srinivasa, M. Haenggi, Z. Gong
Published in
Pages: 154 - 157
Cellular base stations typically orthogonalize downlink transmissions, although this approach is not always throughput-optimal. Indeed, it can be shown that removing the orthogonality constraint (as in Superposition Coding) can provide significant benefits in some scenarios. Based on this principle, we propose a scheduling algorithm for a two-user downlink that leverages the disparity in their respective channel qualities. By a judicious reallocation of the transmit power and bandwidth, this algorithm improves the throughput to both users vis-a-vis an orthogonal scheme. We design a softwaredefined radio platform to implement the scheduler and experimentally verify the gains promised by theory. © 2011 IEEE.
About the journal
Journal2011 IEEE Radio and Wireless Week, RWW 2011 - 2011 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, RWS 2011