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Reliability based design optimization of bridge abutments using pseudo-dynamic method
, G.L.S. Babu
Published in
Volume: 4
Pages: 2867 - 2874
In this paper, the reliability of a gravity retaining wall bridge abutment is analyzed. The first order reliability method (FORM) is applied to estimate the component reliability indices of each failure mode and to assess the effect of uncertainties in design parameters. Two modes of failure namely rotation of the wall about its heel, sliding of the wall on its base is considered. Pseudo-dynamic approach has been used for the calculation of the passive seismic earth pressure. A novel element of the present investigation is the computation of seismic passive earth pressure coefficients by considering the composite curved rupture surface behind the abutment wall in the framework of limit equilibrium method. Sliding failure along the wall base is considered in the new pseudo-dynamic method. The analysis is performed by treating backfill and foundation soil properties, geometric properties of wall, shear wave and primary wave velocities propagating through the backfill soil and abutment wall as random variables. The influence of various parameters on reliability indices against rotational and sliding failure of abutment wall is studied.
About the journal
Journal12th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics 2008