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RefocusGAN: Scene Refocusing Using a Single Image
P. Sakurikar, I. Mehta, , P.J. Narayanan
Published in Springer Verlag
Volume: 11208 LNCS
Pages: 519 - 535
Post-capture control of the focus position of an image is a useful photographic tool. Changing the focus of a single image involves the complex task of simultaneously estimating the radiance and the defocus radius of all scene points. We introduce RefocusGAN, a deblur-then-reblur approach to single image refocusing. We train conditional adversarial networks for deblurring and refocusing using wide-aperture images created from light-fields. By appropriately conditioning our networks with a focus measure, an in-focus image and a refocus control parameter we are able to achieve generic free-form refocusing over a single image. © 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.