Online connections and virtual world have dominated the last few years of our social life. There has been a lack of each other’s physical presence. The aim of this paper is to create an experience to connect with people in a physical space. The project is named as Connect. Connect is a series of nostalgic games to be played in a spatially augmented environment. The experience aims to inculcate feel-good emotions and enhance socialization and collaboration. Connect involves the intersection of projection mapping, game design and experiential design. Two nostalgic games, Snake and Pacman, are developed for the experience. Several iterations are made and tested simultaneously. The games are made multiplayer and tested by projecting in different spaces. The final execution is done in Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) where people play both the games. The participants felt good after playing and were seen socializing and collaborating with each other. Verbal feedback along with post experience questionnaire confirmed the same, expanding the future scope of the project. © 2023, ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.