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Probing structural consequences of N9-alkylation in silver-adenine frameworks
, R.K. Prajapati, S. Verma
Published in
PMID: 20882216
Volume: 39
Issue: 42
Pages: 10034 - 10037
This communication explores the effect of varying substituent bulk at the N9 position of the adenine moiety and its effect in dictating the structural aspects of silver-adenine frameworks. While adenine alone or 9-benzyl substituted ligand afforded mono and dinuclear dimeric entities, n-propyl substitution at the N9 position results in the formation of a metallaquartet. Longer n-alkyl chains (hexyl and nonyl) resulted in the formation of linear polymeric chains, via N1 and N7 coordination. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010.
About the journal
JournalDalton Transactions