Innovation taking at the grassroots level has the ability to furnish bottom-up solutions that acknowledge the local issues, interest by solving problems related to economic, social and environmental situations for underdeveloped communities. The objective of this study is to analyze the innovation management framing and technology adoption and dissemination from a voluntary organization working at the grassroots level in the Indian Subcontinent. The study analyses the local innovation practices and ecosystem, the role played by the local organization in empowerment of rural communities enabling an inclusive development. A case based method was adopted where primary data are taken from interview with the innovators, community members. The study gives an insight into how the innovation management at the grassroots are framed through various mechanism such as learning practices, participatory design, technology transfer. The findings of the study revealed four themes such as Capacity Building, Women Empowerment, Creation of entrepreneurial opportunity, Technology transfer for promoting Sustainability. © 2019 IEEE.