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Poster: Scalable network slicing architecture for 5G
T.V.K. Buyakar, P.C. Amogh, ,
Published in Association for Computing Machinery
Pages: 684 - 686
The diversified use cases of next-generationmobile networks can be realized by the key concept of Network Slicing. Scaling of network slices is required to cope with the resources needed for peak traffic demand. In this paper, we demonstrate scaling of network slices based on the type of network slice such as enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC) in order to ensure Service Level Agreement (SLA) guarantees of the network slices with the help of our proposed Network Slicing Profiler (NSP) and Network Slice Scaling Function (NSSF) in an ETSI MANO based network slicing framework. © 2018 Association for Computing Machinery.