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Phase Field vs Gradient Enhanced Damage Models: A Comparative Study
S. Karthik, K.S.S. Reddy, A. Nasedkina, A. Nasedkin,
Published in Elsevier B.V.
Volume: 35
Issue: C
Pages: 173 - 180
A comparison of the two different approaches for modelling damage in material in an infinitesimal strain setting is studied. The first approach is the nonlocal gradient enhanced damage model where the damage variable is taken as an independent variable which will be determined based on the local strain measure. Here, the nonlocal integral form is approximated to an implicit or explicit differential form using the Taylor's series expansion for simpler numerical implementation. The second approach is the phase field damage model where a Helmholtz free energy density function is considered that includes a new energy degradation function along with a phase field non-conserved order parameter. The first variational principle on this energy density functional with respect to the corresponding order parameter variable will reach a stationarity value resulting in the non-conserved Allen-Cahn equation. The relationship of the order parameter with the damage variable gives the Allen-Cahn evolution equation for damage. A 1D bar example is considered for commenting on the similarities and differences of the two approaches to damage based on the mesh convergence studies based on the results obtained for various meshing profiles, changing length scale parameter values and the obtained damage profiles. © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0) Peer-review under responsibility of IWPDF 2021 Chair, Tuncay Yalçinkaya
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