Rapid urbanization and industrialization have accelerated the energy demand which cannot be met by decreasing fossil fuels thereby substantiate the need for lignocellulosic ethanol. The present study is one such attempt towards bioethanol production in an eco-friendly manner using enzymes in which a mixture of lignocellulosic biomass namely, Ricinus communis, Saccharum officinarum (tops) and Saccharum spontaneum were taken as a substrate. The mixed biomass was processed through partially consolidated bioprocessing (PCBP) approach which involves a non-isothermal simultaneous pretreatment and saccharification step where a concoction of laccase (Pleurotus djamor) and holocellulase (Trichoderma reseei RUT C30) was used followed by co-fermentation within the same reactor. The process parameters influencing PCBP were optimized using feed-forward ANN model which resulted in a maximum ethanol concentration of 7.86% (v/v) (62.01 g/L) at pentose to hexose strain ratio of 0.696 (v/v), substrate loading of 27.54% (w/v) and incubation time of 21.96 h. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd