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Optimal power allocation for transmitter selection in MISO Rayleigh fading channels
V.V.M.N. Kumar, P.H. Reddy, , M.B. Srinivas
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In this paper we derive optimal power allocation (PA) in space and time that minimizes BER for transmitter selection in multi-input-single-output (MISO) Rayliegh fading channels assuming perfect channel state informaton (CSI) is available at receiver and transmitter. This power allocation scheme achieves exponential diversity order with a single RF front end and requires feedback of the best channel only. The presented scheme results in 7.5 dB gain over optimal single-input-single-output (SISO) power allocation scheme for 4-QAM modulation at SER of 10-4.
About the journal
Journal2007 IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, SARNOFF