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On the parameterized complexity of GIRTH and CONNECTIVITY problems on linear matroids
, M.S. Ramanujan, S. Saurabh
Published in Springer Verlag
Volume: 9214
Pages: 566 - 577
Computing the minimum distance of a linear code is a fundamental problem in coding theory. This problem is a special case of the Matroid Girth problem, where the objective is to compute the length of a shortest circuit in a given matroid. A closely related problem on matroids is the Matroid Connectivity problem where the objective is to compute the connectivity of a given matroid. Given a matroid M = (E, I), a k-separation of M is a partition (X, Y) of E such that |X| ≥ k, |Y| ≥ k and r(X) + r(Y) - r(E) - k - 1, where r is the rank function. The connectivity of a matroid M is the smallest k such that M has a k-separation. In this paper we study the parameterized complexity of Matroid Girth and Matroid Connectivity on linear matroids representable over a field Iimage found)q. We consider the parameters-(i) solution size, k, (ii) rank(M), and (iii) rank(M)+q, where M is the input matroid. We prove that Matroid Girth and Matroid Connectivity when parameterized by rank(M), hence by solution size, k, are not expected to have FPT algorithms under standard complexity hypotheses. We then design fast FPT algorithms for Matroid Girth and Matroid Connectivity when parameterized by rank(M) +q. Finally, since the field size of the linear representation of transversal matroids and gammoids are large we also study Matroid Girth on these specific matroids and give algorithms whose running times do not depend exponentially on the field size © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.