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On providing reliability and maximizing network lifetime in multi-sink wireless sensor networks
S. Vupputuri, K. Rachuri,
Published in
Volume: 5408 LNCS
Pages: 331 - 336
In this paper, we focus on maximizing network lifetime of Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor Networks without compromising on reliability requirements. We propose Multi-Sink Multi-Path (MSMP) protocol which achieves the desired reliability by selecting the sink nodes based on their Total Reaching Probabilities (TRPs) and using multiple paths for forwarding to each selected sink. MSMP maximizes the network lifetime by reducing the load on the one hop neighbors of the source node. In addition, MSMP shuffles among all the sink nodes, to distribute the load on all the nodes in the network. This shuffling is based on the energy levels of the nodes in the paths to the sink nodes. We compare MSMP with the existing approaches via simulations and show that MSMP achieves the maximum network lifetime compared to that of other approaches without compromising on the reliability requirements. © 2009 Springer.
About the journal
JournalLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)