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Nanostructured anode materials for batteries (lithium ion, Ni-MH, lead-acid, and thermal batteries)
Published in wiley
Pages: 147 - 229
Anode plays equally an important role in the overall electrochemical performance of a battery cell. Significant research has been focused on nanomaterials for the development of high-performance anodes for various energy storage systems. Nanostructured anode materials have properties of high surface area, short diffusion path length for ions, high electron transportation rate. In this chapter, a comprehensive review is presented highlighting the issues and developments in nanomaterials as anodes for Li-ion, Ni-MH, Lead-acid and Thermal Batteries. In the first section, a summary of anodes based on a variety of carbon nanostructured materials, Lithium Titanate, Titanium dioxide, Sn, Si, alloy, and conversion anodes are presented. In Ni-MH batteries section, the electrochemical performance of numerous works on hydrogen storage anode materials such as rare earth-based AB5 type alloys, Ti and Zr based AB2 type alloys, Mg-based alloys, rare Earth-Mg-Ni based superlattice alloys and Ti-V based alloys are discussed. Mitigation strategies to reduce sulfation in lead-acid batteries by the electrode, electrolyte additives, development of lead-carbon electrodes are briefed in lead-acid batteries section. Finally, thermal batteries based on Li, Ca, Mg and Al-based anodes are illustrated. In overall, this chapter describes various nanostructured anodes highlighting their beneficial and detrimental influences on overall electrochemical performance. © 2020 Scrivener Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.
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