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Music genre classification using On-line Dictionary Learning
M. Srinivas, D. Roy,
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Pages: 1937 - 1941
In this paper, an approach for music genre classification based on sparse representation using MARSYAS features is proposed. The MARSYAS feature descriptor consisting of timbral texture, pitch and beat related features is used for the classification of music genre. On-line Dictionary Learning (ODL) is used to achieve sparse representation of the features for developing dictionaries for each musical genre. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework on the Latin Music Database (LMD) consisting of over 3000 tracks spanning 10 genres namely Axé, Bachata, Bolero, Forró, Gaúcha, Merengue, Pagode, Salsa, Sertaneja and Tango. © 2014 IEEE.