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Multiscale modeling of charge trapping in molecule based flash memories
, T. Sadi, V. Georgiev, F. Adamu-Lema, V. Thirunavukkarasu, J. Ding, A. Asenov
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Volume: 2019-September
To keep up with the increase in demand for storing data, flash memories have been scaled down dramatically and stacked by the semiconductor industry. Furthermore, processing large data has highlighted the limitations of the von Neumann architecture. To overcome this, different types of memory devices like Resistive Random-Access Memories (RRAMs) have also gained a lot of importance. Hence, carrier dynamics in oxides has gained significant traction in recent years. In this work, we discuss the kinetic Monte Carlo methodology as implemented in our integrated simulation environment NESS (Nano-Electronic Simulation Software) that allows us to study carrier transport in the oxide using accurate physics based models. As an example, we study the retention characteristics in a molecule based flash memory. © 2019 IEEE.