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Multiferroic studies on (BiFeO3)m(BaTiO 3)n superlattice structures
, U. Lüders, W. Prellier
Published in
Volume: 71
Issue: 8
Pages: 1140 - 1143
BiFeO3 has been studied extensively due to its room temperature multiferroic features and has been proven as a promising candidate for device applications. But BiFeO3 possesses some drawbacks like high leakage current and complicated magnetic ordering, giving rise to a canted antiferromagnetic behavior. Hence, a superlattice approach of BiFeO3 and BaTiO3 with a good lattice matching was fabricated and the room temperature ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties were studied. The macroscopic and local probe studies reveal a ferroelectric nature at room temperature, and most importantly a weak ferromagnetic like behavior was observed. The ferromagnetic behavior is expected to arise due to the variation introduced in the spin modulation of single BiFeO3 layer due to the superstructure formation. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
About the journal
JournalJournal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids