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Multi-parametric reference nanomaterials for toxicology: State of the art, future challenges and potential candidates
G. Orts-Gil, , W. Österle
Published in
Volume: 3
Issue: 40
Pages: 18202 - 18215
A major requirement for the validation of methods assessing the risk associated with engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) is the use of reference materials (RMs). In the present contribution we review available RMs, ongoing projects and characterisation trends in the field. The conclusion is that actual approaches to RMs mostly deal with metrological considerations about single properties of the ENPs, typically their primary size, which can hardly be representative of nanoparticles characteristics in real testing media and therefore, not valid for reliable and comparable toxicological studies. As an alternative, we discussed the convenience and feasibility of establishing multi-parametric RMs for a series of ENPs, focusing on silica nanoparticles (SNPs). As a future perspective, the need to develop RMs based on hybrid nanoparticles is also discussed. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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JournalRSC Advances