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Multi-lepton signatures of the triplet like charged Higgs at the LHC
, K. Huitu, A.S. Keçeli
Published in Springer Verlag
Volume: 2015
Issue: 5
Abstract: We study multi-lepton signatures of the triplet like charged Higgs at the LHC in the context of Y = 0 triplet extended supersymmetric model (TESSM). In TESSM the hi ±W∓Z coupling appears at tree level when the triplet vacuum expectation value is nonzero, and because of the coupling the charged Higgs decay channels as well as the production channels can dramatically change at the LHC. We show that for the triplet dominated charged Higgs the main production channels are no longer through the top decay or gg and gb fusions since these are very suppressed due to the lack of triplet-SM fermion coupling. In the numerical analysis, we consider also other possible production channels some of which have additional contributions from the diagrams containing (Formula presented.) vertex. We investigate the decay channels of a triplet like light charged Higgs (Formula presented.) and show that depending on the triplet component, the charged Higgs can substantially decay to W±Z. We further examine the 3l, 4l, 5l multi-lepton signatures of the triplet like charged Higgs by considering four different benchmark points for which we perform PYTHIA level simulation using FastJet for jet formation at the LHC with 14 TeV. We found that for favorable parameters the earliest discovery with 5σ signal significance can appear with early data of 72 fb−1 of integrated luminosity. We also present the invariant mass distribution Mlljj for (≥ 3ℓ) + ([InlineMediaObject not available: see fulltext.] ≥ 30 GeV) and (≥3ℓ) + (≥2j) + ([InlineMediaObject not available: see fulltext.] ≥ 30 GeV) and show that in addition to the charged Higgs mass peak, an edge that carries information about heavy intermediate neutral Higgs bosons arises at the end of the mass distribution. © 2015, The Author(s).
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